Minggu, 14 Oktober 2018

Ternion ICO Review

We, as a team, are constantly trying to be ahead of the market. Pushing our boundries in order to achive what everyone else is only trying to. By putting trust into us, you form the future where we will stand all together tomorrow. You can get the first experience of the exchange platform here and see how the first version will look. Not only the exchange is comfortable for the institutional players, but it’s convenient and easy for any of the retail investors, as it comes with a mobile platform app and a web application. For the purposes of transparency and reliability, Ternion will undergo yearly audits to keep the public in the loop about future advancements. We know that decentralized digital finance is the future, but we also understand the unavoidable connection and value that traditional finance taught us, the knowledge which we are implementing into the cryptocurrency space today.

About Ternion

Ternion is a hybrid crypto exchange with a fiat gateway and integrated merchant services.

The Ternion Exchange is a regulated, licensed and centralized entity which allows crypto to crypto, fiat to crypto and crypto to fiat trading. 
In the post ICO stage the exchange will become hybrid. It will facilitate a decentralized exchange with a centralized one.

The Ternion Payment Processor is a payment gateway that can be implemented at the discretion of a vendor and it issues cards to its users. The users can also use the debit card to pay the vendors. Vendors can choose to receive fiat or cryptocurrency for the goods and services by implementing the Ternion API into their payment method. This is made possible due to the integration of the Exchange into the system.

The Ternion Liquidity Fund supports two business models and is the back bone of the Exchange and the Payments Processor. The Fund is also responsible for buying back the tokens utilizing a quarter of the company’s profit and burning them to combat inflation. The Fund also stores another quarter of accumulated funds to have available liquidity for the future expansion of Ternion globally.

Financial Model
  • Feature 1: Profit GenerationThe Ternion Exchange and Ternion Payments generate profit.
  • Feature 2: Liquidity Fund Replenishment - Ternion stores 25% of accumulated funds in the Liquidity Fund to always have available liquidity towards the expansion of Ternion globally. We maintain liquidity in the Fund, and thus we allow the business to develop and grow.
  • Feature 3: Token Burn - Utilizing 25% of the company's profit we first burn the tokens that were received as commission fees and payments for other internal services. If there is a shortage of the tokens to sustain the 25% benchmark, then we go and buy the TRN tokens from the market and burn them. This procedure will limit the supply of the tokens and thus will sustain their price.

Ternion Token

  • Pay Ternion Exchange Commissions with a discount.
  • List your token on the Ternion Exchange.
  • Get promotions via TRN Tokens.
  • Use them for Ternion Payments fees.

ERC20 Compliant - Allows compatibility between all ERC20 compliant tokens, yielding substantial benefits for any user of the Ternion Ecosystem.

Business Model
  • Due to the limited supply of the tokens within the system and a business-oriented token burn model, TRN will outmatch other coins in demand on the exchange token market.

More Information

Website: https://ternion.io/
Whitepaper: https://ternion.io/TernionWhitepaper_en.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4623236.msg41743899#msg41743899
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ternionofficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ternionofficial/
Telegram: https://t.me/TernionOfficial


Sabtu, 29 September 2018

Coinolix - Exchange Terbaru Cryptocurrency

Coinolix adalah ekosistem pertukaran cryptocurrency multifungsi dengan menggabungkan platform pertukaran aset kripto yang kuat. 

Jumlah permintaan perdagangan yang tinggi dapat diimbangi dengan mesin yang dapat beradaptasi & diperluas dalam beberapa saat. Pertukaran Coinolix mengikuti praktik terbaik dengan menjaga sebagian besar cadangan aset dalam penyimpanan, yang tidak ada di server web atau komputer lain untuk mengamankan dana pengguna di dompet pertukaran. 

Penukaran Coinolix menyediakan berbagai mata uang kripto, token ERC20. Antarmuka Pengguna yang mudah digunakan dikombinasikan dengan mesin perdagangan berkinerja tinggi.

Pertukaran Coinolix mengikuti praktik terbaik dengan menjaga sebagian besar cadangan aset dalam penyimpanan dingin, yang tidak ada di server web atau komputer lain untuk mengamankan dana pengguna di dompet pertukaran.
  • Berbagai macam cryptocurrency dan token. 
  • Mesin Perdagangan Cepat yang memproses ribuan transaksi per detik. 
  • Biaya perdagangan dan penarikan yang terjangkau. 
  • Mudah digunakan Desain UI di hampir semua jenis perangkat.

Coinolix Exchange menyesuaikan untuk mengelola 1.200.000 pememesan per detik. Jumlah permintaan perdagangan yang tinggi dapat di balas dengan mesin yang dapat beradaptasi dan diperluas dalam hitungan detik. Sepanjang garis-garis ini, kami mesin dapat berdiri sendiri dengan salah satu yang paling cepat dan paling cepat mesin aman tersedia di pasar saat ini. Jadi, pedagang dapat diselamatkan dari masalah dasar seperti permintaan perdagangan yang macet atau penanganan perdagangan yang membosankan

Mesin Pencocokan - Jumlah permintaan perdagangan yang tinggi dapat diimbangi dengan mesin yang dapat beradaptasi dan diperluas dalam beberapa saat.
  • Fitur - Layanan pertukaran tidak termasuk perdagangan pasar Spot, Perdagangan margin, perdagangan pasar Berjangka. 
  • Aset yang Dapat Diperdagangkan - Penukaran Coinolix akan mendukung pasangan perdagangan di BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, DASH, NEO (ANS), CLX, USDC 
  • Antarmuka pengguna - Kami akan menyediakan Cakupan Perangkat lintas platform pada semua platform perdagangan berbasis peramban, platform perangkat Android dan iOS, platform perdagangan PC (Windows, mac, linux), REST API.
  • Dukungan Pelanggan - dukungan dan tanggung jawab untuk didistribusikan di dalam staf dan perusahaan kami sedemikian rupa sehingga masalah khusus pelanggan dapat diselesaikan oleh petugas yang ditunjuk untuk masalah khusus itu.
  • Keamanan
    - Perlindungan serangan DDoS
    - Audit Exchange
    - Otentikasi dua faktor
    - Enkripsi dan Cadangan

Pertukaran Coinolix mengikuti praktik terbaik dengan menjaga sebagian besar cadangan aset dalam penyimpanan dingin, yang tidak ada di server web atau komputer lain untuk mengamankan dana pengguna di dompet pertukaran. Layanan pertukaran termasuk perdagangan pasar Spot, Perdagangan margin, perdagangan pasar Berjangka. Kami akan menyediakan Cakupan Perangkat lintas platform pada semua platform perdagangan berbasis peramban, platform perangkat Android & IOS, platform perdagangan PC (Windows, Mac, Linux), REST API. Biaya perdagangan "Nol" untuk Pemegang token CLX * & juga mendapatkan manfaat besar dari program pembelian & pembakaran token. Layanan Pelanggan 24/7 dengan waktu respons yang lebih cepat untuk menyelesaikan masalah pelanggan. Hasilkan token dengan melakukan aktivitas promosi di situs web coinolix

CLX Token Pre-sale Detail

Token Rate : 1 CLX = 0.20 USD
Pre-Sale supply: 100 Million CLX
Start Date: 8 Oct 2018
End Date: 7 Nov 2018
Minimum Purchase: 100 USD
Acceptable currencies: BTC, ETH, LTC
Bonus: 20%

Distribution Token

Angel Investor: 150 Juta Token CLX
Pra-Penjualan: 100 Juta Token CLX
Crowdsale: 400 Juta Token CLX
Tim Pendiri: 200 Juta Token CLX
Tim Penasihat: 100 Juta Token CLX
Referensi: 30 Juta Token CLX
Hadiah: 20 Juta Token CLX

Alokasi Dana

Pemasaran: 25%
Pengembangan Exchange: 40%
Cadangan Cadangan: 20%
Infrastruktur: 10%
Biaya Hukum: 5%

Peta Jalan
  • Maret 2017 - Penelitian teknis dan pasar pertukaran Cryptocurrency dimulai untuk pengembangan pertukaran terpusat dan terdesentralisasi generasi berikutnya.
  • Agustus 2017 - Mesin perdagangan Cryptocurrency diselesaikan dan meninjau wajah mulai untuk audit keamanan dan pengembangan UI pertukaran.
  • Jan 2018 - Mengumpulkan tim pengembangan yang sangat terampil untuk membangun pertukaran dan menyelesaikan teknologi blockchain untuk koin Fiat sama sekali.
  • Maret 2018 - Riset pasar dan analisis untuk penawaran Initial Coin. Finalisasi.
  • Agustus 2018 - Penjualan pribadi mulai 8 Agustus 2018.  Mulai dari Airdrop dan daftar putih dan pendaftaran KYC untuk crowdsale.
  • Sep 2018 - Pengembangan blockchain koin Fiat dan audit pengembangan konsensus.
  • 8 Oktober 2018 - Fase Pra-penjualan ICO dimulai selama dua minggu pada 8 Oktober 2018 yang berakhir pada 7 Nov 2018.
  • 8 Nov 2018 - Awal crowdsale ICO pada 8 Nov 2018 yang berakhir pada 13 Desember 2018.
  • Jan 2019 - Versi lengkap dari pertukaran online.
  • Q1 2019 - Pengumuman hubungan dengan wali amanat pihak ketiga untuk cadangan emas dan audit cadangan cair.  Rilis Wallet and Merchant Detail.  Pengumuman resmi kemitraan dari pedagang online untuk pertukaran fiat.
  • Q2 2019 - Perluasan solusi pembayaran dan Gatways semua benua. Memperluas Pemasaran Exchange dan Skalabilitas mesin perdagangan Coinolix Exchange.
  • Q2 2019 - Versi beta dari bursa online Terdesentralisasi untuk pengujian.
  • Q4 2019 - Versi lengkap dari rilis pertukaran terdesentralisasi.
Untuk Informasi Lebih Lengkap:

Website: https://coinolix.com/
Whitepaper: https://coinolix.com/document/coinolix-whitepaper.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4963053.msg44749385#msg44749385
Twitter: https://twitter.com/coinolix
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coinolix/
Telegram: https://t.me/coinolix


Sabtu, 08 September 2018


The decentralized world is remarkably new. The birth of the blockchain dates back to 2008, but it has only evolved with real applications in the last few years (especially with Ethereum). As such, it is identified as a project still in its infancy, but with enormous development opportunities in almost every sector of the economy. But being in a continuous state of evolution and process transformation also opens the door to constant and ever greater attempts to champion any kind of idea that very rarely turns into a valid project with long-term viability.

Our objective is to create a groundbreaking organization that blends the centralized and decentralized worlds perfectly. Our ambition is to create a multipurpose project destined to become a major market player that embraces constant and evolutionary growth.

Karatcoin’s Platform is directly linked to operational gold mines that will receive financing to help increase their gold production. The more Karatcoin’s financing increases, so will the aggregated gold production of our mines, which in turn will increase the value of circulating Karatcoin tokens. All the mines selected by Karatcoin's technical and legal team have been carefully analyzed for their production ability, operational background, structural credibility, as well as their financial rating (no intermediary is involved in the verification process). These mines will pay the interest due with physical gold products (doré gold bars, gold nuggets, gold dust, etc.) which will be conferred at the official refinery of origin and turned into gold ingots on our behalf. Leaving the raw material in its place of origin protected in an authorized vault will minimize the costs related to transport and related taxes, thus optimizing transactions on our blockchain and allowing a more advantageous price for gold. 

Our vision is to create a people-powered new economy decentralized financial services ensuring both in stability investments and aggressive investments linked to market fluctuations and fueling the collateral needed for future projects and at the same time create an ecosystem for developers to utilize Karatcoin tokens as a framework for various Ðapp developments, thus accelerating adoption of blockchain technology.

Karatcoin Features

Our objective is to create a groundbreaking organization that blends the centralized and decentralized worlds perfectly. Our ambition is to create a multipurpose project destined to become a major market player that embraces constant and evolutionary growth.
  • No Geo-Restrictions - There are no geo-restrictions, once the gold has been turned into crypto-gold, you can redeem it in any country*. Costs related to transport and related taxes are minimized by leaving the raw material in its place of origin.
  • Store Physical Gold - You can safely store Physical Gold asset in vault and keep it as Gold Certificates in your wallet on the Karat Blockchain, the gold is safe from political influence and will preserve and increase its value over time.
  • Dpos Consensus - Fees will be used as returns for stakeholders instead of miners. This means a faster validation block time (10 secs), less power consumption and more security.
  • Backed by a Real Asset - Karatcoin is less volatile than other crypto-currencies because it’s indirectly linked to a real asset with an owned blockchain.
  • Earn Fixed Revenue - Gold Certificates are safe investments. Our Certificate gives you 2 half-yearly coupons with up to 6% interest.
  • Gold Mines Profits - Vote for the gold mines to be financed and participate to the active interests that will be perceived from funding given to the selected mines.

How it Works

The Karat Foundation will be established in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on business and human rights, especially conducting better control and surveillance work to ensure that gold is sourced responsibly and ethically.

Karatcoin will create a decentralized gold market application by enabling established gold traders and providers to tokenize the same metal under one crypto-asset token, generating a highly liquid and stable market.
  • Manage your gold products
  • Check Blockchain Transactions
  • Vote to elect the gold mines
  • Top 50 Cryptocurrencies available
  • 85 Currencies supported
  • Live trading
  • Fast Execution
  • 10 technical indicators
  • Detailed Market analysis
  • Updated News
  • SHA512 Security encryption
  • Multi-platform available

For Infomation

Website: https://karatcoin.co/
Whitepaper: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/karatcoin.co/files/docs/KC_WP.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4932340
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karatcoins
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karatcoin.co/
Telegram: https://t.me/KaratcoinGroup

Selasa, 04 September 2018

SCAVO - Large-Scale Crypto Mining Farms

Scavo technologies is an innovative blockchain company established in Argentina specialized in the construction of data center infrastructure for crypto-mining using renewable resources. It offers an intelligent, scalable, environmentally friendly solution with the ability to maximize energy resources with zero carbon footprint, natural and self-sufficient. 

SCAVO understand that innovation throughout the current system is something indispensable, necessary and imperative for crypto currencies and their technology to be accepted in a massive way. Due to this, it was necessary to align the development of the different parts that make up the crypto mining complex to the concept of “Industry 4.0”.

At SCAVO Technologies, The Team have developed different software/hardware components that automate several processes of the crypto mining complex. These components provide essential information in real time to the company’s computing center for decision making, while these processes are fed back with their own and external information that will optimize and help predict certain behavior in the future more accurately.

All this could be achieved using complex technological processes and industrial grade technology.

The popularity and demand for cryptocurrency is growing. With that comes the need for people to mine cryptocurrency. Scavo Technologies is developing an eco friendly cryptocurrency mining operation. As time goes by, the difficulty of mining a cryptocurrency generally increases. This causes an increase in electricity usage to mine the coins. Today, there is a huge amount of electricity being used to mine coins throughout the world. In order to be environmentally friendly, a green source of energy is needed. Scavo Technologies is located in Argentina, and they plan to build self sustaining mining locations using renewable energy such as solar, water, and wind.

Scavo technologies is an innovative blockchain company established in Argentina specialized in the construction of data center infrastructure for crypto-mining using renewable resources. It offers an intelligent, scalable, environmentally friendly solution with the ability to maximize energy resources with zero carbon footprint, natural and self-sufficient. 

In order to carry out a large-scale project it is necessary to have different resources such as economic, physical, technological, human, etc. Throughout the different stages of Research and Development (R&D) SCAVO Technologies managed to forge various links with technology companies, manufacturers and highly qualified personnel in different parts of the world.

In the same way Team SCAVO hope to be able to establish a long-term relationship with our investors that allows us to grow together through clear terms and conditions.

The process of acquiring specialized hardware for crypto mining is not something simple due to the growing demand in this last time and in many occasions accessing it involves negotiating with different intermediaries that end up making the purchase process more expensive as well as all the logistics that implies a purchase on a large scale.

To be able to have a better negotiating position in the different intervening processes, SCAVO Technologies is registered in the importer/exporter registry of Argentina. This made it possible to access the necessary hardware (ASICs, GPUs, PCBs, etc.) directly and without intermediaries, reducing costs. Team have agreements with different international transport companies at competitive wholesale rates.

Achieving energy self-sustainability was a key milestone in the development process of the project itself as it will allow the development of the company’s different operating models without being tied to traditional energy costs as well as to energy market fluctuations or policies of energy. The use of renewable energies for the generation of electricity, allows to develop this ecosystem in different parts of the world where energy cost is incompatible with the market of crypto mining.

Achieving energy self-sustainability in a maximum period of 12 months will reduce the cost of energy per KWh from USD 0.12-0.15 to values between USD 0.01 to 0.05 and a minimum expected useful life of 10 years.

In order to achieve a large-scale crypto mining system, scalability was a point of strong consideration. For this, all the design and construction guidelines of the different components allow for greater modularity. Blocks were designed (at the subsystem level) in a standardized way that allows the exchange between any of them. At the same time, being a modular process, they are conceived to be able to put together different arrangements to add or remove capacity in a practically unlimited way (subject to the deployment space of the complex).

As an example, the interconnection of energy allows a horizontal and vertical integration of the same being able to be connected with other adjacent energy systems and be interconnected to the traditional energy system simultaneously.

For Information

Website: https://scavo.farm/
Whitepaper: https://scavo.farm/download/WhitepaperEnglishv1.15.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4832228.new#new
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SCAVOTech
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SCAVOTechnologies/
Telegram: https://t.me/SCAVOTech_English


Senin, 03 September 2018


iTrue is a platform with microservices that can be used by enterprises and users. The platform is therefore a Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) solution: It can be used by companies and developers to authenticate their users, or to build their own blockchain network with a built-in authentication system.

The platform provides microservices as building blocks, which can be integrated into existing apps/systems of developers. Hence, developers do not need to develop an authentication service from scratch for their applications, as the iTrue microservices will fulfil this need.

There is a growing demand for safe, efficient, and secure authentication systems, given the rise of online financial products and startup companies providing innovative digital services. Services like cashless payment systems provide convenience and ease of transactions. Banks and fintechs are already exploring or implementing biometrics as a way to authenticate users.

More than half of e-commerce cart abandonment is due to forgotten passwords(49%) or forgotten debit/credit card details (59%) underscoring the need to improve authentication measures. 49% of the users in the US are concerned about their biometric data being compromised, while 35% are worried about their bank having access to the information. Facial recognition in surveillance is legal in Russia and other countries, but is considered a major privacy threat, especially if the security of the system is compromised.

The combination of blockchain and biometric technologies will enable businesses to improve authentication through biometrics and eventually build and market their own applications on the iTrue platform and ecosystem. Reducing transactional friction through biometric authentication helps improve the user experience and enhance platform security at the same time.

Benefits  iTrue

For Individual Users
  • Privacy - Users have full ownership of their data, and have full control over where their data is shared
  • Confidence - User data is stored on a decentralized platform and never on local devices, thus ensuring better protection against failures or data theft
  • Ease of Access - Biometric access means never having to memorize a password again, and never having to rely on a gadget like a smartphone or credit card
  • Participation in Data Economy - Individual users can get benefits when they willingly provide data to clients and businesses that require it, in the form of tokens or other rewards

For Businesses
  • Automation - Blockchain-as-a-service comes with authentication platform and reduces the need to build one from scratch, particularly the ID verification
  • Compliance with Regulation - Tokenized data sharing mechanism informs users and seeks authorization before any data is exchanged, thus complying with regulatory frameworks like GDPR
  • Data Exchange - Contractors who traditionally collect and process data can exchange existing data with other contractors who may hold their own data. To ensure privacy, such data sharing will still require user permission
  • Customized Applications - Business gain access to both turnkey solutions and developer-customized applications right within the iTrue platform

For Developers
  • Time-to-Market and Scalability - Access to iTrue microservices enables developers to build their enterprise or consumer apps on top of the iTrue platform. Such apps can be listed on the iTrue Marketplace for businesses and users. iTrue’s new type of storage also ensures speed, security, and accessibility.
  • Tokenized Benefits - Microservice developers get token rewards whenever other developers build upon their existing microservices; Application developers get token rewards when their solutions are utilized by other enterprises or users in the marketplace or when they are requested to customize or fine-tune iTrue applications for enterprise end-users
  • Extensibility and Turing Completeness - iTrue microservices are building blocks that enable developers to more quickly design and deploy enterprise or consumer applications. Developers can also build their own microservices into the platform, which other app developers can also utilize in building their own services and apps

The combination of blockchain and biometric technologies will enable businesses to improve authentication through biometrics and eventually build and market their own applications on the iTrue platform and ecosystem. Reducing transactional friction through biometric authentication helps improve the user experience and enhance platform security at the same time.

With iTrue, users have complete control over their confidential personal data, and biometric authentication enables secure and seamless access to digital assets and even physical facilities, like a car or house. Since iTrue gives notifications where users’ data is being used, enterprises are able to integrate such privacy controls into their applications, thus helping businesses comply with the European GDPR regulations. 

For Information

Website: https://itrue.io/
Whitepaper: https://itrue.io/files/iTrueWhitePaper.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4721365
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Itrueio
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iTrue.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/itrueio


Sabtu, 01 September 2018

IGT-CRYPTO - Working Exchange

The idea of creating a cryptocurrency trading platform was born in our company in late 2016. The actively developing blockchain technology and a dynamic cryptocurrency market could not but turn our attention to this field.

At the time of 2016, the main problems of the cryptocurrency market were: limited number of trusted platforms offering the purchase and exchange of cryptocurrencies. The lack of service and many other issues - prompted us to start developing our own platform.

The members of our team are experts in trading on the financial and cryptocurrency markets, who have many years of experience inworking with global brokers. Understanding the market from a customer’s point, as well as experience gained from the inside in asset management financial institutions and banks, urged us to come to the field of blockchain.

The development of the IGT-CRYPTO platform is one of our most ambitious projects yet. The creation of the platform began in 2017. From the very beginning and till the release of our platform, a lot of technological issues were studied and solved, which allowed us to refine our system and create an ideal concept of the crypto exchange of the future.

The team of IGT Company (In Good Traders Company) set a goal - to unite professionals and beginners of the cryptocurrency market on one platform, to let traders make their profits in a comfortable and accessible environment.

What Is IGT

IGT-CRYPTO – is a crypto-exchange from the IGT Company, which unites professionals who came to the field of blockchain from classical financial markets. Programmers together with successful financiers have created a platform that combines advanced technological solutions, high level of security and transactions speed.

Our team created the IGT-CRYPTO exchange in order to develop the best service for trading cryptocurrencies. At present, it supports 4 cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, BitcoinCash, Litecoin, Ethereum. In total, 14 pairs are already available for trade, including 4 cryptocurrencies and two fiat currencies (USD and EUR). To ensure an adequate level of liquidity, the modules - «liquidity aggregators» were developed on the IGT platform, which allow to maintain and provide the proper volume of trading instruments presented on the Platform. We have created a hybrid model of data transferring, processing and storage that involves processing of the data on several levels to ensure maximum speed and security

Features of the IGT-CRYPTO Platform
  • A large number of currency pairs - The IGT-CRYPTO exchange offers a large number of trading instruments, the list of which will be constantly expanded, providing the necessary tools to professional traders and novice users.
  • Fiat currencies Availability of fiat currencies is not a universal option on crypto exchanges. We offer
  • a solution to this issue. IGT-CRYPTO exchange is already actively working on connecting the Internet acquiring, which will allow you to withdraw funds in traditional ways, as well as directly use them for trading on the platform.
  • Guarantees of execution of applications - The regulation of applications’ execution - is a clear set of rules integrated at the program level which is used on the platform when working with trade orders and their processing. 
  • Transparency to the client - Our company has incorporated a transparent reporting system in the concept of the platform of the future. Our clients will have a detailed statement of all the operations performed. 
  • A new level of convenience - We set a new level of convenience. At the moment, most platforms exist only in the browser version. We decided to follow the path of client-oriented development.
  • Software integration with partners - We provide an opportunity for applications developed by a third party to integrate their work with our ecosystem through API (application programming interface).
  • New level of community support - An essential step on the way to the formation of a full-fledged crypto community is our willingness to provide our users with consulting data on all issues of interest.

IGT - Successfully working exchange

  • High  liquidity - The liquidity aggregator developed by us provides liquidity at the level of the world top exchanges.
  • Simple and  user-friendly interface - Convenient and intuitive trading platform, as well as a large number of professional analytical tools.
  • Platform  Reliability - We have ensured a high level of security of data storage and transmission, using cryptographic solutions based on blocking technology.
  • Quality  Service - Our advantages are: fast verification and processing of customer requests,

You get your revenue from every transaction on the platform.
  • Membership in  the IGT Community - Becoming the IGT Coin holder, you become a member of the IGT Company’s community, which gives you the right to participate in decision-making on platform development
  • Quarterly  revenue - 25% of the income of the IGT-CRYPTO exchange will be transferred to the IGT Fund and distributed among all the token holders.
  • Lifetime  passive income - All contributions to the fund will be added to the blockchain, which will provide transparency of information about the state of the fund,
  • Listing of coins on  the IGT-CRYPTO exchange - The IGT team has developed the possibility of listing new coins, which increases the trading volume which in its turn contributes to the growth of income of the holder of IGT Coin.

Token structure
  • Token name: IGT Token
  • Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
  • Token Standart: ERC 20
  • General emission: 21,000,000 tokens
  • Smart-contract: Based on Ethereum Blockchain
  • Token`s price: 1$
  • Minimal payment: 100$

For Information

Website: https://igt-crypto.io/en/
Whitepaper: https://igt-crypto.io/documents/en/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IGTCRYPTO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IGTCRYPTOFUND/
Telegram: https://t.me/IGTCRYPTO
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4796718
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4911164.0


Jumat, 24 Agustus 2018

Quantum Pay is a Decentralized and Computerized Banker Engine who serves as a financial services platform. As a facility successively on blockchain machinery, Quantum Pay uses digital currency as a little charge doorway to investment, lending, funding and banking, spreading the influence of monetary organizations beyond their existing outlet groundwork to the number of people who are unbanked in the world.

This also delivers person-to-person wallet handovers, bill expenditures, portable top- ups, operational shopping, and transfer services. Its currency distribution system shields tens of thousands of banks, pawnshops, fee outlets, and door-to-door delivery through the world. . Using Quantum Pay, clients have contact to an app wallet to be launched by the team and facilities such as payments, air-time, bill payments, hotel bookings, game credits and online shopping at a number of dealers who admit digital currency.

  • Simple to Use and Convenient to Transact- Implement dealings without the requirement to synchronise with the blockchain and is user-friendly interface.
  • Self-held Private Keys, Improved Safety- Encoded Private Keys will be deposited steadily in expedient’s local sandbox structure. It delivers manifold folder backup options, to avoid loss or robbery of assets.
  • Market Tracing and Signals- Worldwide market checking of statistics sponsored by continuous synchronisation with digital market sites. Flexible price ready situations shall never miss out on important market arrangements.
  • Can be used online or offline- QPAY App can be accessed online and even not connected to the internet, QPAY SMS Operator shall manage transaction of the customers.

Using QPAY, customers have access to an application wallet to be launched by the team soon and services such as remittances, air-time, bill payments, hotel bookings, game credits, online hauls and online shopping nationwide merchants who accept digital currency.
Download a Wallet - Simple to Use and Convenient to Transact- Implement dealings without the requirement to synchronise with the blockchain and is user-friendly interface.
Safe & Secure - Self-held Private Keys, Improved Safety- Encoded Private Keys will be deposited steadily in expedient’s local sandbox structure. It delivers manifold folder backup options, to avoid loss or robbery of assets.
Buy & Sell - Each user has unique needs, so there is no one size fits all for exchanges. Our Bitcoin exchange reviews detail each exchange's supported countries
Market Tracing and Signals - Worldwide market checking of statistics sponsored by continuous synchronisation with digital market sites. Flexible price ready situations shall never miss out on important market arrangements.
Simple to Use and Convenient to Transact - Implement dealings without the requirement to synchronise with the blockchain and is user-friendly interface.
Can be used online or offline - QPAY App can be accessed online and even not connected to the internet, QPAY SMS Operator shall manage transaction of the customers.

  • Name: QuantumPay
  • Symbol: QPAY
  • Decimals: 8
  • Total supply:
  • Contract Address: 0xcd607fdd69931675f50ea43d3488785367322b4e

QPAY is an ERC-20 token which will be used in Quantum Pay App in general but further upgrades will include ETH, BTC and other leading crypto currency in digital market. QPAY will provide a simple, secure and powerful digital strength supervision instrument for operators who will be able to practice autonomy in wallets formation, introducing, secure digital benefit managing, suitable contract implementation, and real-time market apprises

Quantum Pay discloses both the usefulness and adaptability of virtual currencies and offers an exciting appearance at innovation’s developing thought procedures as to validity and specialist of these exchanges. In previous times, the ability to issue coinages was kept almost exclusively by formal organizational institutions. In Quantum Pay, those obstacles are coming dejected. People are becoming additional relaxed with the idea of healthy, self-determining virtual markets, and with this change come the possible for the entrance of not only feasible virtual currencies but also multifaceted digital marketplaces, nations, and states. And while digital economies unavoidably continue related to the actual world, the financial and communal foundations are nevertheless in residence for the ultimate beginning of hybridized digital civilizations within real and virtual spaces.

Quantum Pay is a community of professionals in digital market industry and our team is growing and yet still on the process of screening additional aspiring people of the web. If you have what it takes, please visit our official accounts as prescribed by our website, quantumpay.co

For Information

Website: https://quantumpay.co/
Whitepaper: https://quantumpay.co/QUANTUMPAYWP.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Pay
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QuantumPay/
Telegram: http://t.me/quantumpayQPAY
